News from EduEffect Finland


EduEffect toivottaa kenialaiset oppilaat tervetulleiksi Suomeen!

Tänä keväänä aloitimme yhteistyön Jyväskylän Gradian, EduExcellencen ja Kenian hallituksen kanssa. Tavoitteenamme on kehittää Kenian koulutusta ja terveydenhuoltoa; tämän yhteistyön oli tarkoitus alkaa kolme vuotta sitten, mutta koronan vuoksi sitä jouduttiin valitettavasti lykkäämään. Kenialaiset opiskelijat saapuvat Gradiaan opiskelemaan lähihoitajiksi, josta valmistuttuaan he voivat joko palata Keniaan kehittämään maan terveydenhuoltojärjestelmää tai jäädä työskentelemään Suomeen. EduEffectin vastuulla oli varmistaa, että kenialaiset opiskelijat oppivat suomen kielen ja kulttuurin perusteita ennen saapumistaan Suomeen.


Yhteensä 65 opiskelijaa osallistui ensimmäiselle suomen kurssillemme, jonka aloitimme toukokuussa. Pidimme viikoittaisia online-luentoja, jotka kestivät noin 3 tuntia per kerta. 

Kesäkuussa kolme opettajaamme – Pinja, Emmi and Laura – matkustivat Keniaan pitämään intensiivisiä suomen kielen ja kulttuurin tunteja. He viettivät kuusi päivää Sergoek Vocational Training Centressä Eldoretissa, jossa oppilailla oli mahdollisuus oppia lisää tulevasta kotimaastaan, ja vastaavasti opettajamme saivat kuulla lisää oppilaiden taustoista.

Oppilaat olivat erittäin motivoituneita ja aktiivisia, ja he oppivat todella nopeasti. Opettajamme yllättyivät huomatessaan miten paljon yhteistä suomen ja swahilin kielillä on, ja esimerkiksi kielten samankaltaisen lausumisen vuoksi opiskelijat osasivat jo lausua suomea todella hyvin! Reissun jälkeen kurssi jatkui vielä kolmen online-tunnin muodossa, ja oppilaat saapuvat Suomeen elokuussa. Seuraavat Suomeen saapuvat opiskelijat aloittavat opintonsa tammikuussa, ja me EduEffectillä olemme mielellämme osa heidän matkaansa!

Tämä kokemus on ollut EduEffectille todella palkitseva ja silmiä avaava. Tiimimme mielestä erityisen antoisaa oli tavata uusia ihmisiä ja tutustua uusiin kulttuureihin. Opettajamme tunsivat olonsa todella tervetulleeksi Keniaan ja paikalliset olivat aina valmiita auttamaan. Odotamme jo innolla seuraavaa kurssia!


Asante Sana ja Karibu Suomeen!

News from EduEffect Finland


EduEffect welcomes Kenyan students to Finland!

Starting this spring, we have been working closely with Gradia Jyväskylä, EduExcellence and the Kenyan government to improve the state of Kenyan education and healthcare. This collaboration was supposed to start three years ago but due to COVID it was, unfortunately, postponed. Kenyan students will come to Gradia to study and become practical nurses in order to develop the Kenyan healthcare system or to stay and work in Finland after graduation. EduEffect’s job was to make sure that the Kenyan students learned the basics of the Finnish language and culture before their arrival.


A total of 65 students participated in our first Finnish course, which we started in May. We had weekly online lessons that lasted approximately 3 hours per week. In June, three of our teachers here at EduEffect – Pinja, Emmi and Laura – traveled to Kenya for intensive Finnish language and culture classes. They spent six days in Eldoret, Kenya, at Sergoek Vocational Training Centre, where the students had a chance to learn more about their future home country and our teachers got to learn about their backgrounds.

The students were incredibly motivated and active, and learned very fast. Our team was surprised to discover that Swahili and Finnish have many similarities in terms of words and pronunciation, and therefore our students’ pronunciation was outstanding! After the trip, we had three more online lessons, and the Kenyan students will arrive in Finland in August. The next batch of students will start their studies in Finland in January, and we at EduEffect are more than happy to be a part of their journey!

This project has been very rewarding and eye-opening to us at EduEffect, and it has been absolutely wonderful to meet new people and learn about new cultures. The Kenyan people were extremely welcoming and always ready to help, and we are already looking forward to our next course!


Asante Sana and Karibu to Finland!

News from EduEffect Finland


UNESCO, Alvar Aalto, and EduEffect

On February 1st 2021, the government of Finland proposed adding 13 of Alvar Aalto’s architectural sites to UNESCO’s tentative world heritage site list. The architectural sites are considered some of Alvar Aalto’s greatest works and are examples of enduring human genius. Included among these sites is the Jyväskylä University campus and the Säynätsalo town hall. These sites are especially important to us at EduEffect since most of us have fond memories of studying, working, and spending time on the campus. 

Alvar Aalto and EduEffect also have something in common: both consider Jyväskylä to be their hometown. Alvar Aalto was a visionary of his time and he is widely regarded as Finland’s greatest modern architect. Walking around Jyväskylä you can see some of the works Aalto left to remind us of his enduring vision; a synthesis of nature and architecture. Bricks, glass, stone, leaves and light come together to create a symphony of ergonomics, comfort, and aesthetics.

We at EduEffect also believe in a synthesis, a synthesis of education, good working and teaching practices, positivity, equality, and sustainability. We consider our team, our products, and our work environment as a symphony, one in which each of us plays a vital part to make a vision into reality. And we are overjoyed that our campus will one day be considered a world heritage site. For us, with our memories and our time spent there, the work of Alvar Aalto already has a special meaning, and is an inalienable part of our heritage, a heritage that we would love to share with the rest of the world.

Follow our Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn accounts for more information about our company and products!

News from EduEffect Finland


2020 Wrapped Up

In the past couple of weeks our team has been collaborating with Nordic Kivi to create, export, and teach a language showering course in Vietnamese. The aim of this course is to teach instructors and teachers how to language shower young children and introduce them to the world of language learning. So far the course has been inspiring and rewarding to all those involved.

The feedback from the course has been overwhelmingly positive. The learners in Vietnam have been introduced to the theoretical and practical concepts of language showering and have learned more about Finnish pedagogy. The collaboration has been a skillful synthesis between content creators, teachers, translators and students, which has led to a deeper appreciation for education between all parties involved.

As Christmas and the New Year approach, we look back on the year that we’ve had, both the challenges and the successes. We are really proud of our team and the products that we’ve created and we hope for many more years of successful endeavours and fruitful partnerships.

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year from the EduEffect team!

News from EduEffect Finland


E-Learning in a Changing World

The world changes and so do we. The global crisis has impacted the field of education in substantial ways, and has made us change our perceptions of how we deliver education to classrooms around the globe. Teachers and educators all over the world have had to learn new skills and gain knowledge of different types of teaching technologies. 

It is no longer a mere bonus to know how to use digital tools in teaching, it is a necessity. Teachers with a lifetime of experience in the field have had to take a major leap and reinvent themselves as online educators. Being an educator means that you have to constantly develop and learn new skills, always asking questions and never staying stagnant. 

One of the answers to these new challenges is E-learning, or education through online platforms. We here at EduEffect are striving towards developing and evolving e-learning, so that we can deliver the best possible pedagogical methods to classrooms, regardless of where they are in the world. We are dedicated to taking the step towards online learning so that education can be accessible, no matter the global situation. 

Because of this globally shared adversity, we as teachers, students, and educators, must embrace the new technological developments, or risk getting left behind. Edueffect Finland is proud to be working on online learning projects, something we had not expected to do when we started last year.

We wish you a happy October!

News from EduEffect Finland


Full STEAM ahead!

We are really happy to announce that we are in the middle of developing an exciting new product; STEAMwork! The product is a dynamic project-oriented education package based on combining the traditional STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) with the Arts.

Utilizing the Mobie Academy platform, STEAMwork uses teaching videos, hands-on materials, and illustrative instructions to participate in collaborative, enjoyable, and multidisciplinary group projects. The idea is to cultivate a love of learning among students, to challenge and inspire, and to create a holistic and beneficial way to teach and learn through digital means.

This project is a collaboration between EduEffect Finland and Experience Workshop, an educational firm based in our hometown of Jyväskylä. The goal is to make STEAM learning exciting and fun, while still maintaining effective learning and training crucial skills.

The product name brings to mind several important themes that are very important to us here at EduEffect. Steamworks were key in creating technological progress centuries ago, and you can find the word TEAM in the name as well, which mirrors the collaborative spirit of the product. Lastly, the expert Finnish pedagogical techniques used in the project show that STEAM learning really does work!

We hope to launch STEAMwork sometime during Autumn 2020. If you are interested in our product, please do not hesitate to contact us!

There’s nothing left to say really, except full STEAM ahead!

News from EduEffect Finland


Presenting our new pilot project!

Great news! Our pilot project is off the ground! Last June, we had the privilege of being able to teach several online lessons, in collaboration with our partners in China. Our tailored lesson package focuses on the concept of “language showering”, a pedagogical method developed at the University of Jyväskylä. This educational package would not have been possible without the teamwork and collaboration done between our team, our partners in China, and the University.

“Language showering” is a pedagogical technique that focuses on activating learner motivation. The main goal is to allow the learners to learn through spontaneous play and actions, and allows for positive experiences, which will enhance their learning ability in the future. “Language showering” isn’t a marathon, it’s a sprint; the idea is to motivate through short, intensive spurs of language exposure.

The course has been designed for kindergarten teachers from China, who are looking for new, innovative, and dynamic tools in regards to early childhood language acquisition. We at EduEffect believe that by sharing knowledge of the “language showering” method, we emphasize the importance of positive experiences in language learning from early on, which is proven to create a path towards lifelong language retention.

Our course teachers have been very pleased with the course, as well as the feedback we have received. The overall feeling has been positive, enjoyable, exciting, and fun. The initial worries of the first class wore away within the first ten minutes, and afterwards we found the entire experience quite stimulating. We have managed to learn a lot as well, which is a huge bonus to us. So far, we have taught four classes, and we still have many left to go.

The pilot project is go for launch, and we hope this is just the first of many successful online courses in varied topics that we will be designing, teaching, and providing in the future. It might be summertime, but class is back in session here!

Happy summer everyone!

News from EduEffect Finland


Day of Wellbeing

Työhyvinvointi = Wellbeing at Work

Last Wednesday, the EduEffect team had the chance to test out our latest product: a wellbeing at work package. It consists of fun games and activities designed to bring colleagues closer together in the workplace. The package is suitable for different kinds of companies looking for ways of integrating their workplace in a fun way. In addition, this package is also available for our international guests coming to Jyväskylä as a leisure activity! 

The activities include tasks that develop problem solving, cooperational skills and agility. For example, our team played a game of slingshot, where three people operate a huge sling and the other two try to catch the balls in buckets. We also have activities that are less athletic, that include fun problem solving tasks and quizzes. The activities included in the package can be modified according to the needs and wishes of the group. 

While having fun with the activities, our team made sure to sanitize our hands constantly, and keep a distance as much as possible. However, despite the precautions, the whole day was filled with laughter and fun. At the end of the day, we felt closer to each other as a team. We are very excited to host wellbeing at work events for our clients in the future!

We here at EduEffect wish you a happy summer!

News from EduEffect Finland


Sticking Together through Social Distancing

These past few months have been challenging for everyone. It’s been important for EduEffect to stick together and be united during social distancing. Despite these challenges, we have succeeded in developing our brand and creating a wonderful and inspiring working environment. We have been tirelessly working toward bringing Finnish education, culture and nature to the world.

Since the current situation has stopped us from seeing each other in person, we have focused on our social media presence. Our social media team has been busy creating content on platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and Linkedin. We feel that good social media presence is important for connecting with like-minded people and potential partners. We are really proud of our intrepid social media team!

To adapt to the global situation, we have begun developing a unique online course package, which we are proud to share with our partners in Vietnam. The course is based on language showering, which is a method researched in the University of Jyväskylä. Language showering is designed to immerse children in foreign languages through short spurs of activity, for example songs and games. This method has been proven to be very helpful in children’s language development. We look forward to starting the online courses and bringing our knowledge to the world.

We have recently been making new connections domestically as well, and we are excited for our partnership prospects. For example, one of our new partners is a sheep farm that focuses on sustainability and ethical food production. We are excited to create new travel possibilities for our customers and integrate local businesses into our network of amazing partners. 

Our team has also been socializing within the company. Even while social distancing, we managed to set up an online party where we played games, had fun and got to know each other a bit better. We believe that there is no good working relationship without a good relationship. We feel incredibly lucky to be surrounded by such a good group of people.

It’s been pretty exciting for us, even while social distancing and dealing with the challenges it poses. We will continue developing our products and future prospects. Let’s see what the future brings! 

The picture below is from our online get together!

News from EduEffect Finland


Edu-travel and Education from the Finnish Heartland – EduEffect Finland

(Jonne Rautio, 16.3.2020)

It’s wonderful to be working together with a group of people ready to face the world and people time and time again full of enthusiasm, creativity, communal spirit and, most importantly of all, an appreciation of equality. On top of this, our employees also have our management’s full understanding, support and guidance. Together, through joy and a positive outlook for the future, we make up a dynamic educational travel company – EduEffect Finland Oy.

A team of about ten employees has been working from the beginning of March, their goal being to bring as many international educational groups (principals, teachers, students and pupils), who are interested in Finnish education, nature and wellbeing to Jyväskylä, Central Finland. These groups will receive about a week-long tailored travel plan based on their wishes and needs; the travel plans’ contents vary, sometimes focusing on education, schools, learning or summer camps.

Since Finnish educational expertise, wellbeing and nature have been at the center of international interest, we want to offer an experience to Edu-travelers coming to Jyväskylä showcasing why Finland has the happiest people in the world. The Finnish education system’s unique formula of nurturing knowledge through education, as well as physical and mental wellbeing around clean nature is a recipe for success.

We are living in exceptional times, and we at the EduEffect team will be doing our part in this global event. Fortunately, we have multiple options for keeping in contact at our disposal and we will be having meetings online to ensure the safety of our employees. However, meeting through Zoom, Hangouts, Skype or Teams does not replace seeing one’s co-workers in person. The same applies to our clients, even though some of our educational products are online courses.

Behind every great company there’s a brilliant community of workers. Our Jyväskylä’s energetic and motivated EE-team is presented in the picture below. The picture was taken at the end of February in the facilities of the University of Jyväskylä.

Starting from the left: Pinja, Veera, Margarita, Jussi, Sara, Marko, Jonne, Erika, Emmi, Hanna, Emmi and Emmi